


How one college student answered the Partnership’s “call to serve”

In 2002, the Partnership collaborated with the Office of Personnel Management to launch 服事的呼召, 唯一一个专门致力于促进联邦服务的全国性学院和大学网络. 近20年来, 服事的呼召 has worked to help government identify 和 recruit young talent, connect agencies with institutions of higher education, 和 provide young learners 和 recent graduates with a better underst和ing of federal work. 自成立以来, 号召服务组织与700多所学院和大学合作,招募下一代公务员. 阅读更多内容,了解这个全国性的网络如何使一名学生向政府部门的职业生涯迈出了下一步.

2020年春天, 林赛·加拉格尔是乔治·华盛顿大学公共卫生双学位项目的一名大四学生,获得了学士和硕士学位. 随着COVID-19大流行的开始, 然而, 加拉格尔担心,她原本指望能帮助她开始研究生生涯的实习机会会消失.

That’s when she applied to the Partnership’s 服事的呼召 Innovation Internship program, launched in 2019 with the generous support of Patricia A. 和乔治·W·布什. Wellde小., 乔治·华盛顿大学的校友,担任合伙人董事会成员和乔治·华盛顿大学董事会成员. Through GW’s Knowledge in Action Career Internship Fund, 哪个组织为在政府和非营利组织做无薪实习的学生提供经济支持, 该项目将乔治华盛顿大学的本科生作为联邦机构的暑期实习生,并帮助政府招募和留住急需的年轻人才.

在5月, Gallagher had secured a summer internship with the Centers for Medicare 和 Medicaid Innovation Center, an office that develops 和 tests national health care payment 和 service delivery models.

The center provided Gallagher with a stellar internship experience, 提供真实世界的体验, an opportunity to develop her technical skills 和 a better underst和ing of how government works. 今天, 她正在研究生院学习,并考虑将她在实习期间获得的技能和观点应用到联邦劳动力的职业生涯中.

Lyndsey加拉格尔, 2020 服事的呼召 Innovation Internship program participant
Lyndsey加拉格尔, 2020 服事的呼召 Innovation Internship program participant


作为实习生, Gallagher承担了重要的责任,帮助推进了创新中心的使命和研究组合.

During her first few days on the job, Gallagher的导师向她概述了CMS的数据库,并鼓励她围绕感兴趣的主题建立研究项目.

当她分析数据时, Gallagher began to compare how different hospitals charged CMS for medical services. 她注意到那些没有扩大医疗补助覆盖范围的州——比如德克萨斯州和佛罗里达州——对该机构的收费最高, 而那些每年为医院提供固定资金以鼓励有效支出的州——比如马里兰州——收费最低.

The results showed that CMS’ waiver program in Maryl和, 2014年启动,旨在鼓励医院寻找有效的低成本医疗解决方案,并为未来全国医疗改革提供典范, 工作.

“我的上司总是问我对某件事的看法,并让我参与上级的谈话,”她说。. “He was really good at uplifting my voice.” 


Gallagher还帮助编辑和评估她的团队在创新中心收到的项目提案, work that required her to learn how to use Excel 和 statistical analysis software.  


“It goes back to the lessons that I learned at CMS,”她说。. “The hard skills have translated nicely into what I’m doing now.” 


After she earns her master’s degree, 加拉格尔希望以她的“服务呼吁”经验为基础,在政府工作,制定和促进解决美国健康差距的政策解决方案. 她强调,CMS或卫生与公众服务部(Department of Health 和 Human Services)等机构可能适合她,并考虑在国会担任职员或政策分析师. 

“You really have the ability to influence 和 make change in government, 和 affect people’s lives”她说。.

不幸的是, 今天’s recent graduates often look outside the federal government for job opportunities.

Declining federal internships 和 misconceptions about government work—as highlighted by a recent Axios哈里斯民意调查—have made young people far less likely to seek a federal career than a job in the 私人 sector. 自2010年以来,每年在政府部门工作的实习生和应届毕业生的数量下降了80%, 今天, just 4% of new hires are drawn from federal programs that employ students 和 new degree-holders.  

As a result, young employees remain badly underrepresented in the federal workforce. Indeed, roughly 7% of full-time federal employees are currently 30岁以下的, while more than 20% of all 私人 sector workers fall into the same category. With about one in three federal workers eligible to retire in the next five years, 公众, 私人, nonprofit 和 academic sectors must work together to help government attract, recruit 和 retain the vital young talent it needs.

The Partnership is making critical contributions to this effort. Programs like the 服事的呼召 Innovation Internship program, the 哈罗德·W. Rosenthal Fellowship in International Relations网络安全人才计划, 例如, 帮助联邦雇主识别, 招聘和留住年轻人才往往被排除在一个通常优先考虑更有经验的专业人士的系统之外,这可能会让人感到困惑.


 他说:“我认为,这个伙伴关系所做的事情非常重要,因为在政府部门获得实习机会存在障碍,加拉格尔说. “Going directly to college campuses 和 providing that entryway is great.”

Continue reading for information on 如何申请 for the 服事的呼召 Innovation Internship program.

他说:“我认为,这个伙伴关系所做的事情非常重要,因为在政府部门获得实习机会存在障碍. Going directly to college campuses 和 providing that entryway is great.”



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